If you want to know your horoscope based on your birth details, you need to provide some basic information about yourself. The most important details are your date, time and place of birth. These details determine your sun sign, moon sign, ascendant and other planetary positions in your natal chart. Your natal chart is a map of the sky at the moment of your birth, and it reveals your personality traits, talents, challenges and opportunities in life.
Your horoscope birth details can also help you understand your compatibility with other people, your career prospects, your health issues and your spiritual growth. By analyzing your horoscope birth details, you can gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses, your potentials and pitfalls, and your destiny and free will. You can also learn about the effects of the current transits and progressions of the planets on your life.
To get an accurate and personalized horoscope based on your birth details, you need to consult a professional astrologer who can interpret your natal chart and give you guidance and advice. You can also use online tools and apps that generate horoscopes based on your birth details, but they may not be as reliable or comprehensive as a human astrologer. However, they can still give you a general overview of your horoscope and some useful tips and suggestions.